Saturday, September 10, 2011

Crossword: Amazing Stories vocabulary (Form 4 Vol 2 Paper 1)

3 always there to lend a hand to anyone in time of need
4 always looks on the bright side and never loses hope
7 makes decisions on his own
10 having unusual talent and ability
11 faces challenges and never gives up in the face of difficulties
12 thinks of new ways to make things better
13 always outs someone or some idea first
14 does not boast about the good work he has done and expects no praise for it
1 motivates everyone he has contact with.
2 tries to reach for the best in life at all times
3 commands the respect of everyone
5 knows what others are talking about when they talk about their problems
6 enjoys playing all sorts of sports
8 believes there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome
9 unusual ability

This vocabulary is the answers to the fill-in-the-blank exercise at: exercise at Google Docs 

Here is the complete speech by your penfriend:
   Good afternoon, principal, teachers and fellow students.  I’m very happy to announce this year’s ‘Father of the Year’ award, as voted by our own student body, goes to someone we all know and like very much. He is an (1) energetic person who enjoys playing various kinds of sports with students. He has worked very hard to make sure we all benefit from the care and attention he so readily gives to us all.
   I’m talking about our beloved sports master, Mr Chow. He has assumed the role of a fatherly mentor to young people. He always encourages us to be (2) ambitious in life and try to reach for our best at all times. As an (3) optimistic person, he always looks on the bright side and never loses hope. He is (4) determined to achieve his goals, and believes that there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome. It’s hard to think of a more (5) inspiring person, as he motivates everyone he has contact with.
   Mr Chow is very enthusiastic about work. He is very (6) independent and alone makes the best decisions and choices for us. We all think he is an (7) inventive genius because he continues to think up new ways to make our school a better learning environment. He also cares a lot about the well-being of young people. He is a (8) reliable person who is always there to lend a hand to anyone in time of need. Students like to talk to him when they have problems because he is such an (9) understanding person. He has indeed made a big difference to the lives of students through his commitment to work, yet he is (10) modest about the good work he has done and expects no praise for it.
   I also admire the fact that Mr Chow is a (11) kind-hearted person who spends most of his free time doing voluntary work. He is a (12) devoted father who always puts his family first. He tries hard to provide the best for his four school-aged children, one of whom we all know as the (13) gifted athlete Stephen Chow, our school’s top runner.
   To sum up, there isn’t a more (14) respectable member of staff who commands the respect of us all, and who shines as brightly as Mr Chow does. It is with great pleasure that I pass on this award to Mr Chow, the most (15) capable person with extraordinary experience and ability. Amongst the many, he stands out as a (16) persevering character who is prepared to face challenges and never gives up in the face of difficulties. He is indeed an inspiration to us all.

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